BC Membership


Borderless Coaching Monthly Membership gives you access to our websites content. Please fill out the Borderless Coaching Membership Contract we will send via email. Thank you,.

What’s Included in Borderless Coaching Membership?

Your Private Coach Meets.

It’s all about your journey, goals, challenges, potential and more. With one on one time we get quality time focusing on you and your bright future.

Members area access.

Level up as you learn and master new skills. Watch Coaching videos and access members only documents.

Weekly group topic meets.

Small Groups Meet once a week to teach and learn the BICM method. Completed assignments count toward Coaching Certification.

Private Membership Options

Why do I need to use a bicm.xyz account?

Personal accounts administered by bicm.xyz allow us to share documents and organize our community using the same systems and security as Google.

Can I gift membership?

Yes, you can gift membership. All members meet with a Coach before starting to ensure we all know what we signed up for. Gifted Members may choose to keep membership private or join group meets.

Who uses Private Coaching?

Oftentimes an organization or individual is limited by contracts, policies and politics. BC Coaches are 100% on your side. We support our clients to do what is necessary to advance in life. Sometimes that means leaving someone, somewhere or something. Sometimes that could be finding something, someone or somewhere. Whatever your journey, we got your back.

What is covered in Private Coaching?

Private Coaching content is similar to group content and more intimate for some. The difference is that you can share your experiences with a Coach in confidentiality as opposed to with everyone in group. Do one, do both, just don’t do nothing.


Coaches don’t give advice, we facilitate the identification, creation and modification of behaviors.

BC Membership
